Rough Draft Media Trailer from Marcus on Vimeo.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Friday, 15 October 2010
Film Poster
Danielle's poster but Kevin had researched billing blocks and followed the correct structure so we just imported the billing block layer from kevins photoshop file into Danielle's photoshop file.

Magazine Cover

Monday, 4 October 2010
New Campaign Into Romantic Films
Iv decided to do some more research into films and there campaigns as I feel our trailer is heading more in the direction of a Romantic film more than a Romantic Comedy so I have chosen Dear John because it’s a Romantic film which is close to our target audience but this is at the top end of out target audience bracket as it is aimed at adults and older teens where ad our initial research aimed at teens.
The trailers show so many different emotions that they both feel though the film sadness, happiness, hope, LOVE, anger, pressure and then hate break having to say goodbye. The trailer leaves it open at the end do they get together after he comes back from war or dose she find someone else, she says right at the end of the trailer a lot can happen if 12 months but tonight your hear with me. Dose she me that in 12 months you could have found someone else so lets just enjoy to night or in 12 months I may have found someone else or in 12 months you may be dead or dose she mean the last 12 months have been so hard but finally you are hear with me together at last it makes you think and drives you to want to see the film. In the trailer there are lots of two shots and shot reverse shot between them both the two shots show there unity through the good times and bad also to show there loving relationship.

This poster shows a couple how are very much so in love from the body language we can see that he wants to protect and love her and we see that she feels safe and protected in his arm, but from the background we see they feel isolated almost different and this makes there relationship stronger its just him and her. By having them on the beach in the grass it shows use how natural they are together and being with one another is just seconded nature. In the poster there is no harsh colours the only thing that stands out massively is the white title on his navy blue jacket. The billing block on the poster is really big but in a pail yellow so it dosen’t really stand out that much the plug is telling the view what the story is going to be like its says ‘from Nicholas Sparks, best-selling author of The Notebook’ so that anyone who has seen the Notebook and like it will look at this poster and say to themselves that must be good because I like The Notebook. Also it has a question for a tagline which makes you think about what the movie could be about especial as the title of the film is Dear John.

This magazine cover focuses on Channing Tatum and his apple to women the plug line is the ‘All-American Action Hero’. The image is a mid-shot and the have followed an American colour scheme with the red and blue writing with the white background. He shows good positive and confident body language in this photo also his costume presents a strong character as well because it’s a military uniform.
Friday, 1 October 2010
Team Meeting
As a team we have decided to change the plot of our trailer, we our now having Kevin playing the geek and Saroj playing the popular person this decision came from our first photo shoot and research into the film market. We found that there are only a handful of film that have the boy playing the geek and the girl playing the popular person and we decided it would be better for our film if we did it this way. This means that our plot changes slightly and that the names of our characters have now changed, Kevin is now going to be playing Timothy Smith and Saroj is still going to be playing Kate Devine. Also in this meeting we talked about filming times and schedules me and Kevin went and booked the arts technicians times we booked the cameras out and we booked a space on location to go and film a science experiment all to come together and film on the 5th October.